The 6th Arbaeen International Conference will be held by the Faculty of Law and Political Science

17 June 2023 | 11:23 LPS News
The 6th Arbaeen International Conference will be held by the Faculty of Law and Political Science

The 6th Arbaeen International Conference will be held in September 2023 and hosted by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Allameh Tabataba'i University on September 11, 2023.

The Science Secretary of the conference is Prof. Khorramshad, a faculty member of the Department of Political Science at Allameh Tabataba'i University, and Dr. Rah Nejat, the director of the Department of Public Policy and Political Economy is the executive secretary, and the general secretary of the conference is Dr. Majid Abbasi, the head of the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

The conference is chaired by Prof. Motamedi, the president of Allameh Tabataba’I University.

Last Update At : 17 June 2023