Facts and Figures

Facts and Figures

LPS, date of establishment



Academics (Updated in May 2024)




  • Number of Degree Programmes: 30
    • 2 Bachelor's degree programme
    • 20 Masters degree programmes
    • 10 PhD degree programme


Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Degree Programmes



Faculty Members (Updated in May 2024)

  • Total number of full-time academic members: 86
    • Assistant Professors (BrE: Lecturers): 41
    • Associate Professors (BrE: Readers): 35
    • Full Professors: 10
    • Instructors (Lecturers holding Masters degrees): 1
    • Number of Visiting Professors: 40



Students (Updated in May 2024)


  • Total number of students: 1948
    • Bachelors Students: 402
    • Masters Students: 855
    • PhD Candidates: 404
  • Distribution of students per Department: (Total: 1948)
    • Number of Students in the Department of Political Science: 361
    • Number of Students in the Department of International Relations: 270
    • Number of Students in the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology: 139
    • Number of Students in the Department of Private Law: 524
    • Number of Students in the Department of Public and International Law: 267
    • Number of Students in the Department of Political Economics and Public Policy: 12
  • Distribution of Students by Gendre: (Total: 1948)
    • Female Students: 637
    • Male Students: 1024



Freshers (Updated in May 2024)


  • Total number of freshers admitted to LPS in the 2024-2025 academic year: 772
    • Bachelors Students: 146
    • Masters Students: 534
    • PhD Candidates: 92



LPS Graduates (Updated in May 2024)


  • Total number of LPS graduates, from 1991 to 2019: 6532
    • Bachelors degrees awarded, 1991-2019: 2901
    • Masters degrees awarded, 1991-2019: 3373
    • PhD degrees awarded, 1991-2019: 258
  • All degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 322
    • Bachelors degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 70
    • Masters degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 245
    • PhD degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 7



Staff (Updated in May 2024)










  • Number of Libraries in the Faculty: 1
  • Number of books: +69421
    • Volumes in Persian and Arabic: +61566
    • Volumes in English and other languages: +7855