Arbaeen, An Opportunity to Revive the Resistance of Imam Hussein in the New Era

IKNA quoting, the 6th international conference "Arbaeen; Globalization of Resistance and Transnational Evolutions" will be held on the 20th of September 2023, hosted by the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Allameh Tabataba'i University.
In a meeting attended by the officials of the 6th international conference "Arbaeen" at Allameh Tabataba'i University, while explaining the details of the conference, it was stated: The presence of so many people in the Arbaeen ceremony is the best opportunity to remember and revive the resistance carried out by Abba Abdullah al-Hussein (AS) in the new era.
For more information about the conference, Dr. Mohammad Bagher Khorramshad, a member of the academic faculty of Allameh Tabataba'i University and the scientific secretary of this conference, Dr. Mohsen Habibi, a member of the academic faculty of the conference, and Dr. Majid Abbasi, the head of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Allameh Tabataba'i University and the general secretary of the conference, in the studio of the news agency. We sat down for a conversation, which you can read in detail below:
ICNA: First, explain the background of this conference. What were the achievements of the previous five conferences?
Dr. Habibi: The Arbaeen conference at Allameh Tabataba'i University starts in 2015. In that year, after going to the Arbaeen walking ceremony was gradually peaking and a large number of people participated, Allameh Tabatabai University in the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences thought of presenting an analysis of this conference; Because when people from different walks of life, from ordinary people to experts in different fields, participate in this huge march, so humanities experts in the university also thought to see what is happening at the world level and in issues related to the region, politics and Is social science happening? Because this phenomenon was different from common events. Therefore, as humanities experts, we should have been able to play our part in this field.
Two analytical meetings were held in the Faculty of Literature and Humanities in 2015 with the presence of expert professors and people expressed their opinions. In the same year, some institutions, including the Ministry of Interior, organized a conference in Arabic as the first international Arbaeen conference. In 2016, these conferences were combined and became the second international Arbaeen conference, which was jointly organized by Allameh Tabatabai University and Karbala University. Because a part of it, including lectures and conference panels, was held in Tehran and a part was held in Karbala, and its output was in Persian, Arabic, and English languages in the form of articles and presentations by humanities scientists in various fields of management, law, political science, social science, and philosophy. , literature, theology, etc. were published and this conference was well received and a large volume of articles were sent. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th sessions of this conference were also held.
Last year, Allameh Tabataba'i University decided to entrust the holding of this conference to different faculties, because the conferences of previous years were mostly managed by the faculty of literature, so last year the faculty of Social sciences was responsible for the fifth international Arbaeen Conference and it was very well received. And it was the first year that we were gradually leaving the Corona era.
This year, the committee decided to entrust the holding of the conference to the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and fortunately, it was well received by the faculty, and intensive meetings were held in this field. We hope to be able to hold a very passionate and high-quality conference and play our part as the largest humanities university in the country and region in analyzing this huge phenomenon.
IKNA: What institutions are cooperating in holding this conference at Allameh Tabataba'i University?
Dr. Habibi: Based on the past years and periods, many bodies and organizations have participated, including the Ministry of Interior and some other universities. This year, in order to cooperate, letters have been written to various organizations such as the Broadcasting, Communications Organization, Endowments and Charitable Affairs, Tehran Municipality, and other places. I believe that even though the center of the conference is Allameh Tabataba'i University, in terms of the cooperation of other institutions, we will witness very high participation, because, in addition to global convergence, this convergence should also happen internally.
I remember last year as well since the conference secretariat was established in the Faculty of Social Sciences, there was little time until the conference was held, but Alhamdulillah, we saw the number of articles sent and the participation of academicians and seminarians of the country and people interested in this issue. This year, we have seen that various organizations and bodies are participating in this conference. The variety of topics is also very large and this can be effective in holding a different conference.
ICNA: Explain the details of this conference, including the time of holding and opportunities to present articles and its themes.
Dr. Khorramshad: I will start with the title of the conference. Due to the fact that this year, the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences has been responsible for holding the conference, the title of the conference, which was approved by the academic committee and approved by the university president, is "National Solidarity, Islamic Convergence and Global Resistance". In other words, Arbaeen seems to be the basis of national solidarity inside, Islamic convergence in the region, and global resistance at the international level. So the title has a political background that includes both domestic and foreign politics.
However, due to the fact that all the capacities of Allameh Tabatabai University were to be used, co-axes have been considered for different faculties; As a result, the themes of the conference were put together as a combination of different disciplines that exist in the university, which include "Arabeen, Politics and International Relations", "Cultural and Social Studies", "Management and Economic Studies", "Theology and Philosophy", " Art and Literature" are "Psychology and Health", "Communication Sciences" and "Lived Experience" so that we can use the capacities of all faculty members of the university and universities of the country, of course, with the main title prevailing.
There are many sub-chapters for these axes, including "Arabeen and diplomacy of freedom", "Arabeen and global geography of resistance", "Arabeen and global justice", "Arabeen and national identity", "Arabeen and Hosseini solidarity", "Arabeen and Soft power and new governance", "Arbain and regional resistance", "Arbain political economy", "Arbain and modern Islamic civilization", "Arbain and social capital", "Arbain and the challenges of modernity", "Arbain and monotheistic life", "Arbaeen Civilization Studies", "Arbaeen and Performing Arts", "Arbaeen and Comparative Literature and Ritual Literature", "Arbaeen and Spiritual Health", "Arbaeen Educational Programs", "Genuine Effects of Spiritualism in Arbaeen", "Arbaeen and Virtual Space" , "Arabin as media" and... Our request is that those who want more details refer to the conference website at