Faculty of Law and Political Science Welcoming Ceremony for New Undergraduate Students

According to the public relations report, the ceremony of welcoming the new undergraduate students of the academic year 2023-2024 of the faculties of "Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science", "Law and Political Science" and "Eco Insurance Institute of Higher Education" of Allameh Tabatabai University with the presence of Dr. Abdullah Motamedi. President of the University, Dr. Mohammad Ali Eslami, Vice President for Culture and Social Affairs, Dr. Ruhollah Mohammad Alinejad Omran, Director of the Presidency and Public Relations, Dr. Hassan Rashidi, Dean of the Faculty of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Dr. Majid Abbasi, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Dr. Saeed Shakohi, the head of Eco Insurance Institute of Higher Education and a group of professors and managers, was held today, Monday, November 8, 2023, in the conference hall of the Faculty of Management and Accounting of this university.
Dr. Motamedi welcomed and wished pride, health, and success to the students and said: I hope that during the time you are at Allameh Tabataba'i University, your talent will grow and flourish, and you will achieve your goals and become useful and effective characters for the future. be the country
Referring to the events in Gaza and Palestine, he said: These days are the worst days of the people of Gaza and they are all going through difficult days under the bombardment, and the world is silent about the cruelty that is being done to the people of Gaza. The bad events that happened in Gaza hurt the feelings of every human being.
The President of Allameh Tabataba'i University said: This university is Allameh Tabataba'i University, so get to know this great philosopher and his precious works. Allameh Tabataba'i is the pride of Muslims, especially Shiites.
He said I am proud that an intelligent and motivated generation like you has entered Allameh Tabataba'i University and added: It is a good opportunity for us to be able to serve you. The facilities of the university are wonderful facilities. This university is the only specialized humanities university in the country and the largest humanities university in West Asia.
Dr. Motamedi continued: Humanities fields have found a different situation in recent years so the highest employment rate is related to these fields. Some students in fields such as Eco Insurance Institute and Psychology are almost uneducated.
He said: About 50% of our students in postgraduate courses are graduates of basic sciences and technical and engineering fields. One of the reasons is that these students feel that they are more likely to be able to provide better services to society in the field of humanities, and this is an opportunity for us.
The President of Allameh Tabataba'i University stated that there is a big difference between the graduates and: Some students after graduation, various institutions and organizations seek to attract them because they studied well and use their time properly. Therefore, the first expectation of us and our families is to study well. He emphasized that to study well, try to increase your interest in your field of study day by day, because the more interest in the field increases, the more successful you will be in your studies. If you don't know something, be sure to ask your teacher in class, and don't be shy to ask. In the course of study, you are in, you should ask your mental concerns and questions and receive answers. So be present in class and be active to grow. Dr. Motamedi said: Our second expectation is that you know your worth and value. It is stated in hadiths that "your price is heaven". So don't sell yourself for anything else. By maintaining self-esteem, reducing the need of other people, and avoiding all low-value factors such as sin, ugliness, wrongdoing, and following whims, the value and value of a person increases. He further said: The third expectation is to pay attention to communication with others. These are important points that help us find our sense of self-worth. We are Muslims and God has given us this blessing. Religious teachings and epistemological foundations have defined the way we communicate with ourselves, others, and God. The more we get our lifestyle from these sources of knowledge, the more successful we will be. In part of this ceremony, Shokoofah Ahmadi, an elite student of the Master of Economic Laws at Allameh Tabataba'i University, was honored. Ahmadi gave a speech in the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution regarding the elimination of deprivation in the deprived and less developed areas of the country and providing solutions for this issue. It should be mentioned that the welcoming ceremony for the new undergraduate students of the academic year 2023-2024 of the faculties of "Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science", "Law and Political Science" and "Eco Insurance Institute of Higher Education" was organized by the Cultural and Social Vice-Chancellor of Allameh Tabatabai University. It was accompanied by a music performance, the introduction of the cultural and social vice president, student stand-up, a radio show, a reading of the student charter, and a visit of female students to the Irandokht culture house and male students to the university museum.