Allameh Tabataba'i University Was Ranked Among the Top 10 Comprehensive Universities in the Country

01 January 2024 | 10:03 LPS News
In the latest Internal Ranking of Public Universities under the Supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in the Academic year 2022-2023, Allameh Tabataba'i University was ranked among the top 10 Comprehensive Universities in the Country.
Allameh Tabataba'i University Was Ranked Among the Top 10 Comprehensive Universities in the Country

According to the public relations report, the ranking and evaluation of 115 universities of the country under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology were done by the rating group of the Institute of Science and Technology (ISC) and based on this ranking, Allameh Tabataba'i University was ranked among the 10 It was ranked as the best comprehensive university in the country. Also, this university was ranked among the top 11 universities in the country in the absolute ranking of the country's universities.

In this ranking, general criteria in the evaluation and ranking of universities and higher education institutions in 6 areas of education with a weight of 30%, research with a weight of 25%, technology and innovation with a weight of 20%, internationalization with a weight of 10%, economic impact with a weight of 10% and Social services and infrastructure and facilities were considered with a weight of 5%. Each of these main criteria is divided into several main indicators and sub-indices, and the university's performance in each of them is evaluated separately.

According to this report, the information needed to rank universities and research institutes has been collected in three ways. First, research information is collected by the ISC rating group. The second is the self-declaration of the universities, which is obtained by completing the electronic rating questionnaire by the liaisons in the universities, and the third is some educational information that is provided to the rating group through the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology or affiliated organizations.
In the ranking of 1401-1400, there were a total of 115 public universities and 17 non-governmental universities, whose information was reviewed and evaluated, and each was categorized and ranked based on the mission. The difference between this classification and the ranking of previous years is that the universities affiliated with the executive bodies are placed in a separate category. Also, comprehensive universities, industrial universities, agricultural universities, art universities, and executive universities are included in the ranking of universities.
The universities included in this ranking include 71 comprehensive universities, 25 technical universities, 4 universities of arts and 4 universities of agricultural science, 4 subsystem universities, 7 universities of executive bodies, and 17 non-governmental universities, and the top universities were introduced in each of these groups.


Last Update At : 12 February 2024