Registration of the Country's Talented Student Festival in Order to Introduce Outstanding Students of the University and the Possibility of Attending Scientific Circles

22 January 2024 | 11:57 LPS News
Registration of the Country's Talented Student Festival in Order to Introduce Outstanding Students of the University and the Possibility of Attending Scientific Circles

Registration of the National Exemplary Student Festival

To introduce the best students of the university and the possibility of attending scientific circles, it will start on February 2nd of this year and end on February 22nd.

Due to the limited time to provide the opportunity for educated students to register, please refer to for top students in educational, research, and cultural fields to register in the festival portal. While introducing, if you need to answer, please contact the festival secretariat at 48393423-48393435.

Students can refer to the website of the Student Vice-Chancellor of the University to receive the regulations and get more information.

Last Update At : 23 January 2024