The Message of the President of Allameh Tabataba'i University on the Occasion of the Arrival of the Fadjr Decade

03 February 2024 | 10:34 LPS News
Congratulated message of the President of Allameh Tabataba'i University for the arrival of the Islamic Revolution.
The Message of the President of Allameh Tabataba'i University on the Occasion of the Arrival of the Fadjr Decade

According to the public relations report, Dr. Abdullah Motamedi, the president of Allameh Tabataba'i University, in a message, congratulated the arrival of the Fadjr decade and said: Although the victory of the Islamic Revolution was unbelievable for many, it is more important to understand the scope of this victory on international equations. It was very different from what happened.

This message says:

"Congratulations on the blessed decade of Fadjr, we honor the memory and name of all those who made Fadjr. The days of Fadjr are a reminder of a divine and extraordinary event that took place in 1979 and ended with the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the period of imperial rule in Iran. The arrival of Imam Khomeini on the 1 Feb. 1979 (12th of Bahman 1357) was accompanied by doubts, worries, and hopes, which, by the grace of God, was accomplished with the powerful arrival of the Imam from France to Iran and was welcomed by millions of Iranian people. Between the 1 Feb. 1979 - 10 Feb. 1979  (12th Bahman and the 22nd of Bahman 1357), many events took place, the result of which was the victory of the Islamic Revolution on the 11th Feb. 1979 (22nd of Bahman). Although the victory of the Islamic Revolution was unbelievable for many, more importantly, the understanding of the scope of this victory on international equations was very different from what happened. The most important elements that caused these tremendous international changes and developments were:
1- Imam Khomeini, who was a great jurist, a comprehensive mujtahid, a philosopher, a mystic, and very intelligent and aware of international issues, based his movement on Islamic teachings and this made him a revivalist of Islamic teachings and even beyond that. Religious teachings for all religions, especially Abrahamic religions. So much so that with the victory of the Islamic revolution, attention to the role of religious teachings in human life was strengthened even more.
2- Imam Khomeini fought against the royal regime through public awareness. He did not accept the armed struggle and did a difficult but essential task to raise people's awareness, so Imam Khomeini's movement was a people's movement in every sense.
3- Imam Khomeini's approach to justice, honoring the barefoot and the oppressed, his universal view of the deprived, and his call to fight against tyrannical governments, spread the Imam's thoughts and message all over the world, and millions of people the influence of Imam's thoughts entered the struggle all over the world. They came with cruelty and injustice.
4- Imam Khomeini, with his incomparable tact and tact and relying on God's help, broke the conspiracies of the spy centers of the superpowers one after the other, and with time, the family tree of the Islamic Revolution became more and more diverse, and the arrogant world became powerless in confronting the Islamic Revolution. Disability increased more and more.
5- Imam's statements, speeches, and messages were very wise and effective. Even though he was at the peak of scientific and religious knowledge, his words were easily understood by the masses. His words and messages, according to the God-seeking nature of human beings, created a unique movement in his audience, and everyone had their hearts attached to Imam Khomeini's thoughts and words.
6- Imam Khomeini challenged arrogant governments with unparalleled courage and confidence and stated clearly that "America can do no wrong"; This bravery and tact of the Imam in bringing awareness to the oppressed nations and liberating movements made his character a unique myth as the thinking and thoughts of the Imam will forever be an inspiration to the oppressed nations.
7- The impact of the victory of the Islamic Revolution on international relations is so deep and wide that in the best conditions and by using the power and expertise of many experts, only parts of it that have taken place so far can be analyzed and listed; What new effects this event will have on international relations in the future is still an important issue that is the main concern of arrogant systems. Their efforts in creating deviant movements to counter the Islamic Revolution and launching terrorist groups such as ISIS and other terrorist groups are among the plans they have in fear of spreading the ideas of the Imam and the Islamic Revolution.
Now that 45 years have passed since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, despite all the pressures and restrictions that the arrogant systems have created for the Islamic Republic of Iran, this system, by the grace of God and with the ingenious leadership of the Supreme Leader, has been able to continue to be the banner of independence, freedom, and progress with authority. and fight against arrogant and dictatorial systems.
Once again, during the auspicious decade of Fadjr, we send greetings to the soul of Imam Khomeini and we honor the memory and name of all the martyrs and mujahideen who played a role in the victory of the revolution and then in the establishment and defense of the Islamic Republic system in various scenes.


                                                                                                 Abdullah Motamedi
                                                                              President of Allameh Tabataba'i University

Last Update At : 03 February 2024